Selenium Research

Testing Concepts

What is the purpose of a structured testing environment?
Structral Testing is used to test out the structure of code. It is morely concerned with how the system runs it versus the functionality of the system.

Identify and describe the main types of tests performed on software, including web applications?
A few examples of software/web applications testings area

Which of these tests are most applicable for automated testing and web applications?
Smoke Testing and Regression Testing

Testing Technologies

What is the purpose of website testing?
Website testing can also be described as troubleshooting. When you’re developing a website, it’s important to find the issues that could potentially go wrong before it goes live to the public. By testing, issues like basic functionality of the website, accessibility to users, and the site’s ability to adapt to responsive devices (like smart phones, tablets, and desktop devices) can be addressed and fixed before your website is launched.

For automated testing In general how do these software tools work to test a website?
The data are separated from scripts. This enables test engineers to run the same script for different input values. For data-intensive applications, DDT significantly reduces time and efforts spent on scripting.

What are the advantages of using testing software for web applications?
Saves Time and Money- Software tests have to be repeated often during development cycles to ensure quality. Every time source code is modified software tests should be repeated. For each release of the software it may be tested on all supported operating systems and hardware configurations. Manually repeating these tests is costly and time consuming. Once created, automated tests can be run over and over again at no additional cost and they are much faster than manual tests. Automated software testing can reduce the time to run repetitive tests from days to hours. A time savings that translates directly into cost savings.

What are some of the concerns or issues with using testing software for website applications?
Here's a few that I've come up with:Requires more initial developer time for a given feature, Requires a higher skill level of team members, Increase tooling needs (test runners, frameworks, etc.), and Complex analysis required when a failed test in encountered - is this test obsolete due to my change or is it telling me I made a mistake?

Identify three of the main software tools, preferably open source, and who supports them?
1. Robot Framework: This framework is written in Python, but can also run on Jython (Java) and IronPython (.NET), and therefore is cross-platform (Windows, Linux, or MacOS).
2. JUnit: JUnit is a framework for unit testing of Java applications, used to write and run repeatable tests.
3. Jasmine: Jasmine is a JavaScript unit testing framework. It is also known as a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) testing framework for JavaScript. It’s suited for websites, Node.js projects, or anywhere JavaScript can run. It is mainly paired with AngularJS.

How did this change your approach to testing your websites?
This was good information and reminded me of the importance of making sure everything works. The setup took me(and still does) time to figure out but I see the importance of it and plan to build on the skill more.