Homework Pages

html class

Intro to HTML/CSS

Website Elements, tags, classes, IDs, syntaxes, forms, basic code structure, tables, ordered/unordered lists, and more

Intro to Photoshop

Pixels, EMs, cropping, filters, photoshop tools, photo repairs, beginner animation, and more

Advanced CSS

Bootstrap, animation, transformation, transition, SASS/SCSS, Media Queries, Responsive Design and more

Intro to Javascript

Variables, Loops, String Objects, Functions, If/Else Statements, and more

Intro to Wordpress

Building Basic Site, Adding Hyperlinks, Using permalinks, Contact PAge, Adding Users, Modifying Themes with CSS, Coupons, Paypal Sandbox, WooCommerce and more

Emerging Technologies Seminar

Python Basics, Web Application Testing, Data Visualization, Task Runners

Intro to PHP

Git, PHP Functions, Email Class, Form Handler, Form Validations, MySQL Databases and Tables, Connect/Select/Delete/Update,Self-Posting, Session

Advanced Javascript

JQuery, JQuery UI, Form Validation, JS and JQuery Regular Expressions, Dynamic Content, JSON, React, and AJAX

Website Application Components

Google Analytics, Maps and Location, Social Media Links, HTML5 Video Element, Paypal Sandbox/Buttons/Checkout,Email Software and Data Visualization